In Strategy

Making A Difference

J.Schmid’s internal branding group (Bonfire5), recently rebranded an apparel company based in St. Croix. Lori Hirons, the founder and owner of Island Contessa, wrote a blog about her adventures weathering the recent hurricanes, the impact on her business, and Bonfire5’s contribution to her success. We thought it was worth sharing. Here it is… Refresh, Renew, […]

Product Is Still King

There’s a lot of talk these days about creating a great customer experience, standing out in a crowded market, telling your brand story in a compelling way, and a mobile-first strategy. Let me be clear—ALL of these things are important. Vital, in fact, if you want to be successful. However, I’d argue NONE of them […]

A Little Sin is Always IN

Want to spice up your marketing message? Just look to the Bible. Wait. What? #WhatIsSheTalkingAbout? I’m talking about the seven deadly sins, friends. Those transgressions which are fatal to spiritual progress. I know. Heavy stuff. But if you take a few steps back, squint a little bit, turn your head sideways ever so slightly and […]

Moves Like Jagger

Seriously, learn to direct your creative efforts like a rock star. Mick Jagger knows about the creative process. He’s done well by anyone’s standards. In terms of money and accolades, he’s got those covered. I recently read his net worth is $360 million. He was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II in 2002, and today, he […]

No Fear

A client called me several years ago with a spectacular idea for his marketing program. “I love it!” I said. “It’s fresh, it’s different, it’s relevant to your customers, and it’s testable. Let me know how the CMO likes it!” He grew silent on the line. And then said quietly, “Um, could you bring the […]

Ads from the Outside

In the quiet, quaint, dry-until-a-year-ago town of Ephraim, Wisconsin, there is a soup bar called Czarnuszka Soup. A recent ad mentions that the restaurant seats 11, but having been there, I think 11 is a stretch. Weekly, the owner (Paul Wanish) publishes ads that would never be approved by anyone in advertising, ever. But as […]

Brand & Technology: Together at Last

“Let’s go shopping after Thanksgiving dinner!” said the text from Aunt Karen. Black Friday shopping with my family in Philadelphia a few weeks ago resulted in an experience where a sticky brand message was powered by technology to define marketing success. The brand messaging was amplified by television and mobile to generate new customer acquisition. […]