Forget Bold. Be Relevant.

This might sound strange coming from a guy who has been preaching the importance of being BOLD and taking risks to creative teams, clients and brands for three decades. It’s always been important for brands to grab people’s attention—to stand out—by doing unorthodox things. Sometimes, the crazier the better. But today, we need a new […]

In Strategy

Making A Difference

J.Schmid’s internal branding group (Bonfire5), recently rebranded an apparel company based in St. Croix. Lori Hirons, the founder and owner of Island Contessa, wrote a blog about her adventures weathering the recent hurricanes, the impact on her business, and Bonfire5’s contribution to her success. We thought it was worth sharing. Here it is… Refresh, Renew, […]

Product Is Still King

There’s a lot of talk these days about creating a great customer experience, standing out in a crowded market, telling your brand story in a compelling way, and a mobile-first strategy. Let me be clear—ALL of these things are important. Vital, in fact, if you want to be successful. However, I’d argue NONE of them […]

A Little Sin is Always IN

Want to spice up your marketing message? Just look to the Bible. Wait. What? #WhatIsSheTalkingAbout? I’m talking about the seven deadly sins, friends. Those transgressions which are fatal to spiritual progress. I know. Heavy stuff. But if you take a few steps back, squint a little bit, turn your head sideways ever so slightly and […]

Moves Like Jagger

Seriously, learn to direct your creative efforts like a rock star. Mick Jagger knows about the creative process. He’s done well by anyone’s standards. In terms of money and accolades, he’s got those covered. I recently read his net worth is $360 million. He was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II in 2002, and today, he […]

No Fear

A client called me several years ago with a spectacular idea for his marketing program. “I love it!” I said. “It’s fresh, it’s different, it’s relevant to your customers, and it’s testable. Let me know how the CMO likes it!” He grew silent on the line. And then said quietly, “Um, could you bring the […]

Ads from the Outside

In the quiet, quaint, dry-until-a-year-ago town of Ephraim, Wisconsin, there is a soup bar called Czarnuszka Soup. A recent ad mentions that the restaurant seats 11, but having been there, I think 11 is a stretch. Weekly, the owner (Paul Wanish) publishes ads that would never be approved by anyone in advertising, ever. But as […]