Print is a Digital Champion

Why do you think so many digitally native brands are suddenly discovering print? Print is still the best ‘proactive’ method of getting your message in front of people. Studies show it’s far more memorable than a digital message read on a screen – people remember things far better when they’ve held it in their hands […]


Too many brands make us feel indifferent. Or feel nothing at all. But some brands have a certain something – an emotional appeal. They connect. They feel more HUMAN. Your products and all of your data don’t come first. People come first. And brands that recognize that – and act more human themselves – are […]

Make Way For Generation S

Marketers are accustomed to thinking of their customers in terms of “generations.” Based on when you were born, you may be a Baby Boomer or a member of Generation X, Y or Z. These categorizations help us understand the consumer behaviors that ultimately drive everything from the products marketers sell to the way they “talk” […]

A Little Sin is Always IN

Want to spice up your marketing message? Just look to the Bible. Wait. What? #WhatIsSheTalkingAbout? I’m talking about the seven deadly sins, friends. Those transgressions which are fatal to spiritual progress. I know. Heavy stuff. But if you take a few steps back, squint a little bit, turn your head sideways ever so slightly and […]

No Fear

A client called me several years ago with a spectacular idea for his marketing program. “I love it!” I said. “It’s fresh, it’s different, it’s relevant to your customers, and it’s testable. Let me know how the CMO likes it!” He grew silent on the line. And then said quietly, “Um, could you bring the […]

Ads from the Outside

In the quiet, quaint, dry-until-a-year-ago town of Ephraim, Wisconsin, there is a soup bar called Czarnuszka Soup. A recent ad mentions that the restaurant seats 11, but having been there, I think 11 is a stretch. Weekly, the owner (Paul Wanish) publishes ads that would never be approved by anyone in advertising, ever. But as […]