Reaching the Seemingly Unreachable

This week at J.Schmid, we’re working on an important fax blast for one of our clients. You read that right. A fax blast. Single page. 8.5 x 11. All black type to avoid pricey color printouts on the customers’ end. Promoting a big discount on one of their best-selling items to a group of non-responders. […]

Six New Year’s Resolutions – Go Big!

New Year’s resolutions? Okay, let’s look at mine for a second: only drink wine on the weekend, cut-back on refined sugar, hit the gym. It’s likely they’ll turn out to be: hit the wine and cut back on the gym…but it’s good to have a plan. Whatever our resolutions might be it’s a positive step […]

Goodbye to an Industry Visionary and Friend

Lois Brayfield, CEO I’m heartbroken to learn that last week, after battling cancer, industry leader and icon Glenda Shasho-Jones has passed away. Our paths first crossed in the mid-’90s when she critiqued a catalog I worked on as Creative Director and – wow – she taught me more with her assessment than I’d learned in […]

Connect Data to Design

Let’s start with a something that we can all agree on: good information makes all of us smarter. And let’s take another step and agree that well-informed design tends to work harder and perform better. So far, it’s likely we agree on principle. But in practice, I still see a lot of analytics and creative […]

Hijackers, Simplicity and Your Website

Consumer demand drives innovation, right? Demand for better health, more pleasure, access to information, transportation, etc. And, the success of any innovative idea has one thing in common, EASE. If a new idea isn’t easy to engage, it typically fails. Ease and simplicity are at the core of what we consider improvements to everyday life. […]

Why You’re Not Patagonia

They’re like a frustrating older sibling. They get all the attention, and they get away with pretty much everything. They’re incredibly well-liked, and it seems like everyone aspires to be them. (Is it obvious that I’m a middle child?) Regardless of how you feel about them, Patagonia is one of the most impressive brands out […]


Are you thirsty for better creative? You don’t necessarily need to dump everything and go back to the well for a complete redesign. Sometimes all you need is a refreshing splash of H2O . Water? No, not that kind H2O . This kind of H2O … Hierarchy.Hygiene.Organization. How can these three elements invigorate your design? […]