Why Mail A Catalog? The Stats.

Yes, mailing a catalog can be a powerful advertising tool. However, we realize its role has changed over the last several years. A successful catalog should DISRUPT your customer’s lives and get noticed. Once inside your catalog, it must DELIGHT with relevant products and stories that matter and finally, and most important, it must have […]

Customer Experience… The Competitive Advantage

There’s an old saying in marketing, “Happy customers tell three friends. Unhappy customers tell ten.” These days, with the ease of sharing on social media, those numbers are probably an understatement. The fact is the customer experience is arguably the most critical element of a brand’s success. According to a McKinsey study, 70% of buying […]

Victoria’s Secret Kills its Catalog. Does This Mean Print is Dead?

I won’t keep you in suspense: print is alive and well. Back in the day, when investing marketing dollars, it was easy to draw a line between mailing catalogs (the only direct marketing investment at the time), the value of acquiring a customer and the bank statements that arrived months later. This news from Victoria’s […]

This Just In: NPR “Discovers” A/B Testing

An examination of classic A/B testing, a regular diet for all of us direct marketers, made it to NPR’s Morning Edition last week under the guise of a “real world field experiment” conducted by two economists. I guess direct marketing must then be considered unreal and out in left field? The story explored these economists’ […]

Direct Marketing Q & A with Lois Brayfield

Originally published in February 2014 on the LogMyCalls blog; Interview by McKay Allen. Tell us a little bit about J.Schmid, your role there, and the type of companies you work with. J.Schmid is a boutique direct marketing agency that specializes in Omni channel strategies. For over 30 years we’ve been helping our clients embrace growth […]