Once upon a time, a daughter asked her Mother why she cut the ends off the roast before putting it into the oven. “Because that’s how my Mother taught me,” she answered. Curious, the girl asked her Grandmother why this trick made a better roast. “Well I’m not sure, but my Mother taught me to […]

Should Your Brand Take a Stand?

There’s an old saying in marketing: never mix branding and politics. It’s good advice, as mixing the two is usually a zero sum game. No matter what position you take, it’s likely that just as many people will agree as disagree. And yet, every day, more companies are wading into the political and social waters. […]

When it Comes to Price, Perception Matters

As consumers, we typically look for value – that perfect combination of quality and price – when we make a purchase. Most of us have a favorite retailer or group of retailers, and today’s hyper-competitive, information-driven marketplace allows us to easily compare prices across multiple retailers and channels. A recent study by Bain & Company […]