Michele Drohan, EVP, Client Services

As 2018 came to a close and I archived my work for the year, it quickly registered that more B2B catalog pages moved across my desk last year than B2C catalog pages. A lot more.

Catalogs play a critical role in B2B marketing in all the same ways they work in any consumer marketing mix. A B2B catalog can generate brand awareness, educate and inform, drive consideration and purchase, and build loyalty all at the same time. It’s no wonder that the catalog can be considered the grande dame of direct marketing. Even in the B2B world.

So, what are the secrets to creating a successful B2B catalog? The answer is simple: the same ones we draw on to build a successful B2C catalog. Why? Because businesses are people, too. And though they may be supporting a need-based purchase rather than a desire-based purchase, excellent B2B catalogs rely on all the same tenets as great consumer catalogs.

Last year, J.Schmid President Brent Niemuth blogged about the 5 Basic Human Truths. Ultimately, neuroscience has proven that the human brain is hard-wired to react to stimuli in a certain way. These truths—these universally shared human brain traits—have implications on creating effective marketing tools. Here are those truths again, this time with how they can be referenced to build a better B2B catalog.

Truth #1: The brain craves ease and order.

Consider the needs-based nature of a B2B purchase. Whether it’s office supplies, uniforms or tractor parts, organization is critical to make wayfinding easy. Your pagination should make sense to the industry you’re in, and your products presented in an order that mirrors the particular purchase decision process for your business.

Truth #2: Humans have limited attention.

Business consumers, in most industries, will likely not browse a catalog the same way a consumer browses a fashion or home goods catalog on their couch. Business consumers  want to get to what they need quickly. So include a table of contents or index. Make product categories or sections of the catalog clear and easy to identify.

Truth #3: Humans are visual.

Use images to inform, educate and create interest. It’s easy in the B2B world to quickly rely on line listings and grids. Those are important, too, but a picture is (still) worth a thousand words.

Truth #4: Humans respond to emotion.

Okay, so it’s hard to get emotional about office supplies…or is it? Your company—your brand—doesn’t just sell products. It sells products that, in turn, provide myriad positive emotions. What are they for your business? Peace of mind? Confidence? Relief? Show and tell the human benefit behind the product, and the emotion will come through.

Truth #5: Humans are attracted to beauty.

Yes, a catalog spread selling 120 semi-tubular rivets can be elegant. A well-organized page, with a clean design that also reflects your brand can deliver the beauty that the human brain craves in all things. Even a catalog of tractor parts.

Want to ensure your next B2B catalog is a big success? We can help with that. Send me an email at micheled@jschmid.com

We’re honored to be a top Graphic & Print Design Company on DesignRush, so rest assured, you’ll be in good hands. 

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