Consumers Need a Hug

We took a holiday hiatus here at J.Schmid. It was a chance for everyone to take stock of what’s happening outside the office and connect with family and friends. The extra time also provided the opportunity to dive deeper into news, podcasts and movies, and to generally get out more. Now, I’ve understood for a […]

Moves Like Jagger

Seriously, learn to direct your creative efforts like a rock star. Mick Jagger knows about the creative process. He’s done well by anyone’s standards. In terms of money and accolades, he’s got those covered. I recently read his net worth is $360 million. He was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II in 2002, and today, he […]

Aliens, Content and Conversion

There’s a conspiracy underway in the catalog business. It’s happening right under our noses. You know what I’m talking about, copy kidnappers! Someone has been rounding up copywriters and turning them into CONTENT EDITORS! “Invasion of the Body Snatchers” comes to mind. You know, the “snatched people” attend to their daily tasks, but they really […]

Two Become One

Not too long ago, catalog was king. We’d toss our e-commerce creative team the bones of our catalog feast to make their meal. But we’re past that, right? We need to give our websites the same love our catalogs get; they’re completely co-dependent sharing the same audience. That’s right, it’s ONE CHANNEL! Think of it […]

He said YES!

Who said “yes” to what? I’ll get to that in a minute. First, let me share a story. Decades ago, we heard the following from almost every food retailer we worked with: “We want our catalog to look like Harry & David’s.” Why Harry & David? Because at one time, they set the standard for […]