In Strategy

The Impact of Omnichannel Integration

Omnichannel Marketing Part 2: Why You Should Do It Chances are, you’re currently trying to reach your audience in a variety of ways. Maybe digital ads, search, social media, catalog, direct mail and your retail environment. What if you could tie all those efforts together with a single creative concept—a “Big Idea” that unifies all of […]

The Loyalty Loop

Customer Loyalty Part 7: Post Purchase “Consumers state that the post-purchase journey is the most emotional part of their customer experience, with 63% invested in the shipping, delivery and fulfillment process.” YouGov customer survey Get it Right, Drive the Next Order So many businesses don’t do nearly enough to greet a customer warmly, and give […]

Beep-boop. I, for one, welcome our robot overlords.

…And other thoughts on the Digital Summit Kansas City’s inaugural Digital Summit was a few weeks ago, and it was a great experience and an eye-opener. There’s just no substitute for an intensive day and a half conference to get the updates for the ever-evolving digital landscape. I jotted down some thoughts while I was […]