I have such wonderful memories of that banner ad -No one ever

Last week Toys R Us closed their remaining stores, bringing a sad end to a 70-year old brand. In the final days of the store closings, for a brief time the top link on Reddit was a strangely poignant image of Geoffrey the Giraffe standing next to empty store shelves, waving goodbye. In the comments […]

Yes, You Can Reduce Catalog Costs and Grow Sales at the Same Time

Two J.Schmid clients recently made dramatic — and successful—changes to their catalog programs. Take a look at these case studies! Case Study #1 Challenge: A B2B marketer offering innovative merchandising solutions had a mature catalog program. Management’s goal was to transition marketing dollars to ecommerce and grow catalog sales. Solution: J.Schmid recommended a two-pronged approach. […]

7 Creative Resolutions

Forget going to the gym more often or eating better or any other resolutions you’ll abandon by mid-February. I’ve made a list of New Year’s resolutions for 2017 … and they’re all about catalogs. Ignore any proclamations of catalogs going away. They’re still here. They’re still relevant. And they can be better than ever. Because […]

Does your catalog cover suck?

Admitting it is the first step to re-cover-y. Look at your most recent catalog cover. Really look at it. Imagine it was the first time you were ever seeing it. Would it get your attention? Would it make you want to stop and open it? Or…and be honest…does your cover suck? (It’s ok. Just admit […]

Why Mail A Catalog? The Stats.

Yes, mailing a catalog can be a powerful advertising tool. However, we realize its role has changed over the last several years. A successful catalog should DISRUPT your customer’s lives and get noticed. Once inside your catalog, it must DELIGHT with relevant products and stories that matter and finally, and most important, it must have […]

Time for New Thinking

You’ve all heard the doomsayers. The plaintive wails of prognosticators, tolling the bell for our beloved medium. They shout: The end is nigh! Catalogs are obsolete! Print is dead! Might as well call it a day then. Time to find a new line of work. Pulp all your print catalogs to line your hamster cages. […]