7 Creative Resolutions

Forget going to the gym more often or eating better or any other resolutions you’ll abandon by mid-February. I’ve made a list of New Year’s resolutions for 2017 … and they’re all about catalogs. Ignore any proclamations of catalogs going away. They’re still here. They’re still relevant. And they can be better than ever. Because […]

Looking Ahead…

2017 is just around the corner so we thought it would be interesting to reach out to our clients to see what’s on their mind for the coming year. First, the good news… there’s a general feeling of optimism among the clients we spoke to. Arguably, the economy was one of the biggest issues in […]

Catalog Circulation – A New Frontier

Twenty years ago, we discovered the power of transactional data. Lo and behold, it turned out that certain aspects of human behavior were very predictable. Once a consumer’s wallet was opened and purchases were made, certain details of those transactions, known as RFM, turned out to be very trustworthy indicators of future purchases. Fast forward […]

The Heart of the Matter: Emotion Marketing and the Catalog

Many catalogers today still approach their business as retailers first and marketers second. Retailers sell merchandise by focusing primarily on pricing and products. Marketers position their brands for success by introducing emotion into the mix. It’s easy to see why catalogers fall into the “price and item” trap. Consumers, when asked the reason for their […]

Why Mail A Catalog? The Stats.

Yes, mailing a catalog can be a powerful advertising tool. However, we realize its role has changed over the last several years. A successful catalog should DISRUPT your customer’s lives and get noticed. Once inside your catalog, it must DELIGHT with relevant products and stories that matter and finally, and most important, it must have […]

Victoria’s Secret Kills its Catalog. Does This Mean Print is Dead?

I won’t keep you in suspense: print is alive and well. Back in the day, when investing marketing dollars, it was easy to draw a line between mailing catalogs (the only direct marketing investment at the time), the value of acquiring a customer and the bank statements that arrived months later. This news from Victoria’s […]

Webinar: Disrupt, Delight, DRIVE: The changing role of catalogs

Join Lois Brayfield for this fast and thought provoking Pub Talk which starts with how catalog have evolved from a simple sales tool into something that can create an emotional connection, elevate a brand and still make a sale. Lois explains why the catalog is not only very much alive, it is still one of the most […]