Catalog heroes rise up against democratic oppression One voice, one vote? Equality for all? Democratic rule? No more! Not here. Not now. Not ever. Before you report me to Homeland Security or flood the comments decrying my fascist propaganda, let me explain. I’m not proposing a violent overthrow of the government. No, my revolutionary screed […]

Why Mail A Catalog? The Stats.

Yes, mailing a catalog can be a powerful advertising tool. However, we realize its role has changed over the last several years. A successful catalog should DISRUPT your customer’s lives and get noticed. Once inside your catalog, it must DELIGHT with relevant products and stories that matter and finally, and most important, it must have […]

Victoria’s Secret Kills its Catalog. Does This Mean Print is Dead?

I won’t keep you in suspense: print is alive and well. Back in the day, when investing marketing dollars, it was easy to draw a line between mailing catalogs (the only direct marketing investment at the time), the value of acquiring a customer and the bank statements that arrived months later. This news from Victoria’s […]