Playing for Keeps in the Digital Space

We live in a world of instant gratification – one-click shopping and information at our fingertips via a quick search. Digital marketing is on a similar evolutionary path – nothing can beat digital in terms of its ability to respond quickly to an action on behalf of the consumer. Between SEO, SEM and email automation, […]

Disappear Completely: Digital Marketing Lessons from Radiohead

In early May, British musicians Radiohead did the unthinkable: they lived up to their song title “How to Disappear Completely,” and erased themselves from the internet. Their website gradually decreased in opacity over the course of several hours, until it disappeared completely. Then, the band and its lead singer, Thom Yorke, removed all past posts, […]

Bounce-Backs 2.0: Going Beyond the Print Channel

Sir Isaac Newton’s third law of motion asserts that for every action, there is a reaction. Who knew that the laws of classical mechanics Newton discovered nearly 400 years ago could apply to multichannel marketing? Had Newton been referring to modern marketing, he might have reworded the law as “For every customer action, there should […]