No Fear

A client called me several years ago with a spectacular idea for his marketing program. “I love it!” I said. “It’s fresh, it’s different, it’s relevant to your customers, and it’s testable. Let me know how the CMO likes it!” He grew silent on the line. And then said quietly, “Um, could you bring the […]

Garages and Jelly and Some Other Stuff

The other day, I was running through The Container Store on a lunch break. I like The Container Store. But on this particular day, I was running. This wasn’t a fun errand. I needed—not wanted—a bunch of stuff that I didn’t feel like spending money on. And I needed to get back to work. But […]

3 Ways to Gain Weight in 2017

(No, not you. Your catalog!) If you haven’t heard, the United States Postal Service has increased the piece rate weight limit for catalog mailings. As of January 22, 2017, your catalog can qualify for the Flat-Size Marketing Mail postal piece rate if it weighs 4.0 ounces or less (up from the long-reigning 3.3 ounces). With […]

5 Steps to a Great Call to Action

These Call-To-Action Best Practices Still Stand The Test of Time. Last week I received a magazine subscription offer in the mail that contained no less than 7 paths to respond, including but not limited to the traditional ‘place YES sticker here’ reply postcard, an 800 number and three online response options with separate, but corresponding […]