Michele Drohan, EVP, Client Services
Schedule maven. Traffic cop. Budget keeper. Back in the day, these were interchangeable terms for account executives. And indeed, these responsibilities are still a part of an account exec’s role. But today, these unsung heroes are so much more to your business. They are expert marketing generalists, with access to the agency specialists (creative team, strategists, leadership). Your account person is your quarterback and your diplomat. The value they bring to clients and their internal agency teams is no longer limited to project management, but instead is elevated, strategic problem solving; cross-functional and forward thinking.
In his AdAge article, The Case of the Curious Octopus: The Evolution of the Account Manager (January 19, 2018), Tony Stanol writes:
“Andrew Bailey, CEO of The&Partnership North America built on the mollusc metaphor and said he looks for account leaders who are a ‘curious octopus’: infinitely inquisitive and multi-disciplined, chock full of lateral thinking and collaboration. A new breed of account leader is emerging who is a master of efficient integration. He or she has the ability to nimbly draw on agency or holding company resources on behalf of a client or business problem.”
So agencies are now looking for—and hiring—these multi-faceted players. But the drive to be more, do more, bring more, comes from the individual. It brings to mind a manifesto, of sorts, that I wrote years ago and have since shared with many account teams.
- Every day is an opportunity to think about our clients’ businesses, bring solutions to the challenges they face, and bring more dimensional service to them. Service that is thoughtful, strategic, robust and forward thinking.
- Every project is an opportunity to gain client trust by getting it done on time and on budget, with flawless execution and no surprises. It’s an opportunity to exceed expectations through strategic planning, excellence and follow-through.
- Every challenge is an opportunity to find a creative way to say “yes”; to prove skill, delivery and management with consistency and poise. It’s an opportunity to create a positive experience, and to support the collective success of our work together.
I hope that by sharing this today, it puts into sharp relief the broad and deep objectives—and expectations—that good account execs hold themselves to. But it’s also a reminder to clients everywhere to lean on these superstars to their fullest capacity. Give them the opportunity to draw on their entire set of strengths. Their project management skills are still critical. But these days, they hold the key to strategic integration, critical communication and a successful relationship with your agency.
Ready to get started on your next creative project? Our account execs will ensure it gets done on time and on target. Send me an email to chat at micheled@jschmid.com.
Tags: account exec, account manager, challenges, Michele Drohan