1. The first rule of Catalog Write Club is you DO NOT talk about Write Club.

2. The second rule of Catalog Write Club is … YOU … DO … NOT … TALK … ABOUT … WRITE CLUB! Are we clear? ARE? WE? CLEAR?

Good. Now, let’s talk about Catalog Write Club.

3. The third rule of Catalog Write Club – get to the point. You don’t want them to have to go a full 12 rounds. Hit ’em hard. Hit ’em fast. Move on.

4. The fourth rule of Catalog Write Club – if you think your copy is too long, it is. Even if you don’t think your copy is too long, it probably is. Slice it. Chop it. Cut it down.

5. The fifth rule of Catalog Write Club – benefits beat features. Every time. Don’t just say what something does. Say WHY it matters.

6. The sixth rule of Catalog Write Club – nobody reads. Get over it. Write anyway. Readers will skim, but you gotta grab them by the eyeballs. Make them WANT to read.

7. The seventh rule of Catalog Write Club – emotional copy packs a punch. Go for the gut. Make them feel every word.

8. And the eighth and final rule of Catalog Write Club – all rules are meant to be broken. But you better have a damn good reason for breaking them.

Now, get out there and WRITE! It’s time to kick some ass.

If this is your first time at Catalog Write Club, you have to write. Your opponent: Matt Fey. Call him at 913-236-2414 or email him at mattf@jschmid.com to schedule a verbal beat down.